Solving Water Filtration Problems

Solving Water Filtration Problems | Wellness Water Purification

Common Water Problems: Recognizing and Addressing Troubles with Wellness Water Filtration Systems

Water is a necessary requirement for life, but it usually has substances that make it to be of low quality or unfit for use. Below is a closer examination of common water problems and how they can be solved by using the Wellness Water Filtration Systems.

Hard Water

Description: Hard water contains high levels of dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium. It results in scale formation within pipes and appliances, as well as soap scum on skin.

Indicators: Stains on dishes, film on shower walls, dry skin, and irritated skin.

Solution: Our water softeners remove these minerals, causing softer skin and hair while preventing scale buildup.

Cloudy Water

Description: Cloudy water often looks white and murky due to presence of suspended solids or air bubbles.

Indicators: A milky appearance that clears up after a few minutes.

Solution: Our filtration systems remove all suspended solids from the water hence avoiding cloudiness.

Water Stains

Description: After drying up, evaporated water leaves behind some mineral deposits which stain clothes’ fabrics, tubs or fixtures.

Indicators: Blue-green stains (low pH) or rust-orange stains (iron or manganese).

Solution: Our whole house filter systems eliminate these minerals, thus entirely preventing staining through evaporation of the same from tap water.

Chlorine Water

Description: Disinfection of public water supplies necessitates the use of chlorine, which dries up the skin, fades clothes, and damages rubber seals.

Indicators: Chlorine smell; dryness in your skin; shortened appliance lifespan.

Solution: By removing chlorine using our advanced filtration system prevents damage to your appliances this protects your body from such effects like fading out garments among others caused by exposure to chlorine thereby keeping you safe from being poisoned by chlorine when taking showers.

Sulfur Water

Description: When hydrogen sulfide gas in water comes in contact with a person, it results in a rotten egg smell.

Indicators: Unpleasant smell; potential for dehydration and diarrhea if ingested.

Solution: Our specialized filtration systems remove hydrogen sulfide gas to ensure that your water is safe and has no bad odor.

Drinking Water Facts

Calorie-Free Hydration: Plain water is calorie-free, helps manage weight, and supports body organs functioning properly.

Global Access: According to the UN, 71% of the global population had access to safe, managed drinking water supply in 2017, but the remaining 785 million people were without basic services.

US Water Usage: Almost three hundred million Americans are consumers of public water supplies with an average daily intake of over one billion glassfuls thereof!

Hidden Costs of Tap Water

Impurities such as iron, calcium, and magnesium can be found in tap water and they can cause corrosion on pipes, hence increasing the cost of repairs. Besides that, mineral deposition also increases heater energy use, which leads to less efficiency.

Water Treatment Process

The whole process goes through the collection at municipal plants, screening, chemical addition, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, storage, and distribution. The significance attached to each phase should be understood because it aids in eliminating contaminants, thereby ensuring that clean drinking water is provided for consumption.

Schedule a Water Analysis

It’s important that you understand the type of impurities in your water. Contact Wellness Water Filtration Systems today for professional analysis of your household drinking water needs by our experts as they help you identify whether you need a removal system or not.

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